sick kids

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Donate to CMN
Donate to CMN
Every year since 2001 Mix 94.1 has brought the family and miracle kids of the Children's Miracle Network to the airwaves.  The Children's Miracle Network Celebration Radiothon is 2 days where we can raise money for this wonderful organization.  So what is Children's Miracle Network?
Tips for Taking Care of A Sick Child
Tips for Taking Care of A Sick Child
Tips for Taking Care of A Sick Child
OK so if you have kids, then you've been through it, having a sick kid.  It is no fun at all. You just feel so sorry for them because you just cannot do anything to help.  So all weekend long E. had a fever of 102-103.  Nothing was hurting and the only thing I noticed was a hacking cough.  This started on Saturday.  So Saturday he rested and slept, and Sunday it was the same thing.  High fever and