
806 Health Tip: Our Phones And Our Mood
806 Health Tip: Our Phones And Our Mood
806 Health Tip: Our Phones And Our Mood
Our phones are lifesavers. They really are. I don't know how many times I have to pick mine up just to help me through something. I mean if I can't find a certain location. There is our GPS to help us out.
Would You Rather Lose Your Wallet or Your Smartphone? — Survey of the Day
Would You Rather Lose Your Wallet or Your Smartphone? — Survey of the Day
Would You Rather Lose Your Wallet or Your Smartphone? — Survey of the Day
For many decades, losing your wallet was clearly the worst. Not only were you suddenly without means to pay for anything, but you had been displaced of much of your personal information and were facing hours and hours of dealing with credit card companies and the DMV. Fun! These days, a smartphone also packs a significant portion of your life into a small package that you carry with you everywhere