We are hearing way to many stories lately about children being left in hot cars in the scorching heat.  One story, where the parent left the kid in the car to go shopping.  Left the kid in the car in the scorching heat without the air conditioner.  We have heard horror stories of parent forgetting their babies in the backseat.  It is a sad thing that is happening, but it is becoming an epidemic that needs to stop. 


Kids and Cars is an organization that brings awareness to leaving your kids in a hot car, along with other incidents that can happen to children when cards are involved. You can read all sorts of tragic stories about children who perished in hot cars. Just in 2014, 32 kids died of heatstroke due to being left in a car.

So what do you think the punishment be for parents who leave their children in hot cars to go shop or take care of other business? Do you think these parents should lose custody? Do you think they should go to jail? Let us know your thoughts?

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