Borger Students Make History By Taking The SAT For FREE
The Borger Texas graduating class of 2020 made history this week by taking their Scholastic Aptitude Test at no cost.
The SAT is crucial for all students seeking a college education. It covers everything from reading, writing, language, and Math. The average SAT cost ranges anywhere between $47.50 - $64.50. For many families, this cost is outside their budget and hard to come up with. In an attempt to eliminate any obstacles between their students and higher education the Borger Independent School District chose to cover all SAT cost for there 180 junior students.
Not only will this take a financial burden off of the students and their families, but it will also greatly reduce the student's anxiety levels for this already high-pressure test. The district spent roughly $9,000 this year alone and planes to cover the cost for all future graduating classes as well.
Borger is the first district to cover the SAT in the Texas, Panhandle but something tells me more schools will follow this trend.