Gas Prices Could Start Falling By the End of Summer
Am I dreaming? Could this be true? Cheaper gas prices could be coming by the end of the summer. Can I get a big WOO HOO! I don't know about you but every time I have to put gas in my car I cringe. It hurts the pocket book. I couldn't tell you the last time I filled the take on my car all the way up. It has been that long. I do my best to find decent gas prices when I do put gas in my car and thank you Pak-A-Sak for offering 10 cents off per gallon for using my debit card, you have no idea how that helps. However, we could see lower gas prices in the coming weeks.
According to USA Today:
The government said yesterday in its weekly survey that the average price of a gallon of regular was $3.674 nationally last week, down almost a nickel from the week before. Lower oil prices are not only great for consumers, but truckers, too. They make goods cheaper because they're less to transport or to create.
Prices could continue to fall. "It's clear we're entering, or are on the precipice of, another global financial crisis," Richard Soultanian, an analyst at NUS Consulting, told the AP.
I know Amarillo, isn't that high $3.67 (for a change). I hear that prices will drop 25-50 cents over the next few weeks. So hopefully, Amarillo will follow suit and we will be able to pay $3 per gallon again. Yay! for low gas prices, but is it worth it if it sends us back into a recession. Let's hope so, maybe if people are not spending as much money on gas then they will spend more money elsewhere and help boost the economy.