One of the most important things for a lot of people here in Amarillo is a doing a job and doing it well. Whether you are the business owner or one of the people holding it all together you want to do your best.

If you get recognized that is even better. It's not about that but it is an extra bonus. Something that makes you smile because you know you busted your behind and someone noticed.

It's great to work in an industry that goes above and beyond looking for the best. One of those recognitions is from the Texas Restaurant Association. They yearly look for the best of the best.

One of their recognitions is for the Hall of Honor. According to their website about the Hall of Honor:

A long-standing Texas Restaurant Association tradition, outstanding individuals are inducted to the Hall of Honor each year to recognize their significant contribution to the Texas restaurant industry and to the association. This honor is the highest that the Association can bestow. To qualify, nominees must have a minimum of 15 years of TRA membership and exemplify superior business ethics.

La Fiesta Grande owner, Roy Bara, just got the ultimate recognition from the Texas Restaurant Association. He is going to be part of the Hall of Honor this year.

Next time you are in La Fiesta Grande make sure you congratulate Roy. A job well done and guess what? People are noticing. Soon a lot more people are going to know it too.

The Punniest Santa Fe Restaurant Billboards

Santa Fe had some great billboards around Amarillo. They certainly caught your attention.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

Why You Should Never Consider Moving to Amarillo

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM



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