One of our favorite times of the day is when we let my little granddaughter, Laila, make her way over to the bookshelf and pick out a book to read. She loves to read and we know how valuable that time is for her.

Reading is very important no matter how old your children are. So if you can make it even more fun you have won at life. That is exactly what Storybridge has done. They are great at making reading fun.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

They are a part of the Imagination Library that sends us books every month to read to my granddaughter. I appreciate them so much. They even have fun events to bring your family out to.

Storybridge Live This Saturday

So when you have a place like Hodgetown to take your family out to this weekend you make sure you mark it on your calendar. Storybridge Live. What exactly should you expect? Well a lot of fun for the kiddos of course.

There will be a lot of characters hanging out for your kids to get photos with. Of course they will know most of them. If not they will be introduced to new friends and you will have the opportunity to have more book ideas to add to your library.

The Hungry Catapillar will be there. So will  Skippyjon Jones. It's all happening from 10 am until 12 pm. Plus you can even add to the fun by letting your kiddos pick out their favorite character to dress up as.

credit: AISD
credit: AISD

Where the Kids Can Let Off Some Steam - Amarillo Parks

Spring will be arriving and the kiddos need to get outdoors some more.

Cool Off This Summer at Amarillo Pools and Splash Pads

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