October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and many organizations and businesses have joined in on the fight against breast cancer. Maybe one day we'll have a cure for breast cancer and cancer in general, but in the meantime we need to keep ourselves as healthy as we can. That's why the Harrington Cancer Center is giving you the opportunity to attend a wellness health event.
Breast Cancer Awareness month can bring out all kinds of emotions for everyone. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women in the United States. Whether you have suffered tragic loss or a triumphant victory, this disease has probably touched your family in some way.
When it comes to the fight against breast cancer, not all pinks are equal. As we become more aware of the “pinkwashing” of America, we know that buying something in a shade of pink isn't necessarily doing anything to help the fight against breast cancer -- and some products can actually hinder it. That's why, as we spend our October supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month, getting the word out and doing our individual best to fund the cause as we see fit, we need to make sure we're supporting the fight well. (And of course, looking good while doing it -- that's also nice.)