Look at your average work week. How long are you at work? If you are an average worker you may say 40 hours per week. So you spend a lot of time with your co-workers.
We do have a lot of great seasons and a lot of great foods to kick them off. We have green chili season, pumpkin season and NOW it's the start of tamale season.
Yesterday, I did a post about a co-worker who left a more than half eaten Nutty Bar sitting on the cabinet in the break room and that got me thinking about the types of co-workers we are surrounded by everyday. We all work around people each and every day...
Here in our office we have this unspoken agreement. If you have some kind of food that you don't want anymore, you leave it in the break room on the cabinet. If someone wants it they take it. By that, I mean they literally take it and leave the break room with it. They don't leave it there with a bite taken out of it. Yeah, we have one of those people in our office.