We've all said "I need a hobby." Maybe we even tried one and then...stopped. A new survey says the average person sticks with a hobby for 16 months and stops. We also spend a lot of money on hobbies.
I hit the internet for the best tips possible for cooking a Thanksgiving turkey and I have to say my turkey comes out beautifully every time. So here are the tips I use and hopefully you will find them just as helpful.
The good people over at General Mills decided to find out which dishes are most popular in each individual state. You won't believe what was most popular in, Texas.
When I am cooking I usually try to plan out my recipes. But there are those times that I run to the store and figure out dinner plans while I'm there. Finding a ripe avocado at the store is usually hit or miss. I found a way to ripen an avocado in 10 minutes, but does it work?
If you have ever been in a kitchen and cooked at some point in time, then I'm sure you have had some kind of cooking disaster. I know from my past I have had a few.
One of my favorite things to do is to bake for my family, so I am always looking for new recipes. I found this amazing no bake recipe that you'll love!
We've all seen those cooking shows. There are some laughs, the host "oohs" and "ahhs" and the viewers are left with some helpful and easy recipes.
Then, there's this hot mess. And we do mean "hot."
So cooking up a turkey is a wonderful yet scary thing. Wonderful in the sense that the bird comes out perfect. Scary in the sense that it turns out to be a total disaster. So here are a few things to do when that turkey emergency arises on Thursday.