An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Is that true? Do you eat your fair share of fruits and vegetables? You may be that mom that needs to sneak in healthy veggies into your kids diet.
It is hard to escape the season without catching a cold. Even if it is just for a day or two those days can feel bad. You want relief as soon as you possibly can. You just want to feel better.
We will be getting to cold and flu season before long. This will be an unusual one this year. Is it a cold? Is it the flu? Or is it covid? How do we know which steps to take? I mean do we just ride it out like we would a cold?
There is a lot of talk about what we should all be doing to avoid the Coronavirus and COVID-19. However, what if you become ill or think you have the disease?
We have all heard the saying "An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away." If you really eat an apple a day will you be healthy? Or is that just one of those old wives tales that really holds no truth?
There is no “cure” for homosexuality, but that did not stop an Australian doctor from reaching into his bag of voodoo tricks and pulling out a prescription for some strange drug he claimed would rid a young man of his gay urges.
A 77 year old wheelchair bound dude duped women into believing they had cancer and told one victim her condition could be cured if a man sucked her breasts for 30 minutes a day.