Let's face it, this is one movie that will be hyped more and more until we get to Valentine's Day. It's is Fifty Shades of Grey. The Fine Bros. grabbed some older men and women and showed them the trailer. This is their reaction.
When it comes to getting older in life, sometimes you just cannot do what you once did at a younger age. I know that this is a touchy subject for a lot of people, but how old is too old to drive? How do you determine when it is time to hand over the keys or asked your loved one to turn over their keys.
We all hate getting bills to the point where some of us will even hide them in the freezer to put them completely out of sight and therefore out of mind. Volunteer mailman Steve Score of Minnesota’s Emmanuel Nursing Home has the unfortunate job of delivering such mail, but it looks like he’s found the most effective way of passing along these letters and all it took were some adorable little duckl
We’ve all heard the stories of elderly drivers with poor vision who drive through the front of stores or hit pedestrians — just watch South Park. If you’re one of those people who are freaked out by these often times urban legends, a new study from the University of Michigan might freak you out even more. Apparently, for the first time there are more older drivers on the road than younger drivers.