I have said this time and time again. As a whole we have a hard time sleeping. You can definitely tell that by getting on Facebook late at night and see who else is up.
I have ran across a new game on the web called Who is the Most Famous. It is addicting and a time suck! If you have time to kill read on to find out how to play, if not do it anyway.
The popular iPhone game Words with Friends can do just about anything: make people smarter, bring people together, even make Alec Baldwin seem even kookier than he already is. Now, it’s literally saving lives.
If you have a minute of free time today, you might want to take time to see if you can beat a computer at rock, paper, scissors. I'll admit I spent way to much time playing the game this morning. Luckily, I don't feel bad, it was about a 50/50 split in who won.
If you wanted find the real Waldo in Dublin, Ireland last weekend you would have been in for quite a challenge.
That’s because 3,657 people donned the red-and-white striped costume of the notoriously illusive character from the ‘Where’s Waldo?’ children’s book series in order to set a world record for the most Waldo impersonators in one place.
I learned something new today. I learned that Robin Williams name his daughter after The Legend of Zelda video game. I know Robin is a comedian and all, but really, naming your daughter after a video game? I guess he thought she was a princess when she was born (plus he apparently had spent a lot of time on the road playing Nintendo), and Zelda is the princess in The Legend of Zelda...
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