
The Richest City In Texas Has A Racist Past As A “Sundown Town”
The Richest City In Texas Has A Racist Past As A “Sundown Town”
The Richest City In Texas Has A Racist Past As A “Sundown Town”
The list of the 11 richest cities in Texas ... El Paso didn't make it ... includes at least one with a racist past. Sadly, not uncommon in American history. I recently came across a list of the 11 richest cities in Texas. While they all absolutely  deserve to be on the list and certainly earned their spots, one wasn't always exactly welcoming of ALL Texans. ...
[Update] Frenship ISD Teacher Posts #ImNotRacist Rant on Facebook
[Update] Frenship ISD Teacher Posts #ImNotRacist Rant on Facebook
[Update] Frenship ISD Teacher Posts #ImNotRacist Rant on Facebook
Frenship ISD has officially terminated Karen Fitzgibbon's employment at Bennett Elementary School. . A teacher at Bennett Elementary School in the Frenship Independent School District is facing disciplinary action following a race-related post she put on her personal Facebook page Wednesday (June 10).

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