Sleep can be a glorious thing. If you're someone who can get the recommended amount of sleep, anyway. I, for one, am not one who can sleep well. I try a little bit of everything. I have tried taking melatonin. Sometimes it works, sometimes it actually keeps me up at night.
Do you miss those days of being a child and having a stress free life? I mean the biggest concerns we had was getting our homework done or trying to avoid a nap!
As we get older things start to hurt. First it may be your knees. Oh and then you pulled a muscle in your back. Things just hurt. They just do. Whether it is our muscles, our joints, our necks or even our whole bodies. It is a thing.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Probably check your phone. A lot of us do. We want to see how our day is going to be. What should be the first thing you do when you wake up? Make your bed.
Of course we are coming off of what has to be the most stressful year ever. Even if you managed to make it through with your job we all still had things that stressed us out. We worried about us or a family member getting sick.
Nothing ruins a weekend more than worrying about the work week ahead of us. Could you feel it last night? Did it help to make it a restless night of sleep? Sometimes it is just the dread of having to worry about the work load you may be facing.
Does the way you sleep really make a difference in how well you sleep? I mean can you get more sleep if you are a side sleeper? Or a back sleeper? Can this really be a thing?
It's time to get ready for bed. Get stuff picked up around the house. Say goodnight to the kiddos. You let your dog out one more time before you all go to sleep. The hope is that they can make it through the night without another trip outside. Fingers crossed.
It's that dreaded time of the year. Your body starts to ache. Your nose may start to run. Oh wait now it's your throat. It's on fire. In 2020 it is even worse. I mean now you have to check to see if you lost your sense of smell or taste. Are you running a fever. Getting sick this year is even worse.
We almost have a full work week with the time change under our belt. Whether we love the change or hate it. It happened and we have to just deal with it. There has been debate if we should put an end to it.