Sleeping is literally my favorite thing to do. It also seems to be one of the things I have the toughest times actually getting to do.How are you at bed time?
Another week is just starting and I already feel that I am ready to go to bed. It's early in the week and we need to make it through. How do you find the energy you need?
A lot of people have trouble sleeping just because they can't sleep. You may be able to fall asleep easily but maybe you can't stay asleep. Or maybe you can stay asleep once you finally dose off but what happens when you get in a relationship?
In an average work week how tired are you? Work seems to be what drains us the most. We have eight or more hours of hitting the grind and getting work done.
It seems like everyone is getting sick. First one person gets it. Then another. Finally another and it seems your whole department is down and out. What are some things we can do to avoid getting it in the first place?
Do you wake up in the morning already calculating how much time before you get to go back to bed? We are a society of tired people. It seems we are all on the same page.
Nobody likes to get sick right? The coughing, the burning throat, the extra sleep? I mean yes I know getting sick is not the best thing in the world. What, though, is the best?
We almost have a full work week with the time change under our belt. Whether we love the change or hate it. It happened and we have to just deal with it. There has been debate if we should put an end to it.
It seems like a never ending battle. You want to eat less but you always seem to be hungry. You need to find a way to stop that urge to snack all the time.