United Supermarkets had a groundbreaking in September 2022 for the new Market Street with a fall opening date, but no construction has started. Did they change their minds?
Shopping carts. Why are they such an enemy to some people? To you in particular. I mean how hard is it to treat them like they should be treated? How hard is it to return them to where they belong? It's like some people lose all sense of decency when they leave a store. You, my friend, seem to be the problem.
I am fascinated by all things serial killers. I know it seems rather creepy. I love watching Investigation Discovery Channel all the time. Oh, and I have a favorite serial killer too. Who does that?
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Right? I mean one family did just that figuratively and well literally. Last week there was a big Lemonade Day Expo at the West Texas Enterprise Center.
Growing up in the care free world of being a child who knew that dinner would be that decision that would haunt us as adults. I mean every night it is a huge topic of conversation. What are we going to eat. Even if you live alone it is still that difficult choice.
Ok when I saw the announcement on Facebook recently I could not have been more excited. I am like a kid at heart so yeah the news that United Supermarket had me with a smile on my face.
My daughter surprised me over the weekend and drove to Amarillo to see me for Mother’s Day. I was not expecting this at all. When she comes to town I like to take her grocery shopping so she has new recipes and plenty of meals when she goes home.
I hear the scuffle on the street. Did you get your vaccine yet? Are you getting it? Which one are you getting? People are posting their vaccination card all over social media. It's kind of like the day you go to vote. You want everyone to know that you got it.
I ran to Market Street last week. I needed to get some food for my weekly food prep. I walked in and saw the glorious Monopoly Game has started. I always get excited when I see it.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Is that true? Do you eat your fair share of fruits and vegetables? You may be that mom that needs to sneak in healthy veggies into your kids diet.