So as you know today was back to school.  You knew I would have something to say about the first day of school.  However, I kept thinking today was going to be easier, it wasn't.

You know there is something about a tiny hand in yours as you are walking up the sidewalk to the front doors of the school.

Ingram Publishing
Ingram Publishing

I thought last year was going to be the hardest thing, because he started kindergarten.  I thought first grade would be a breeze.

It wasn't.

I asked him if he wanted to take a picture in front of the school, he didn't want to.  "No momma, I don't want a picture in front of the school.  I want to go see my friends".

So in we walked into the cafeteria.  I saw in his eyes that he was scared.  "Momma I don't see any of my friends."  "Well, do you see anyone you do know," I said.  "I do, Momma, can I sit by him."  "Sure thing bud."

Momma, are you going to cry?

"Not if front of you buddy, Its my job to cry.  You're growing up."

So I gave him a big hug, no kisses, we don't want to embarrass the big boy.

So with my head held high and a smile on my face, I walked out of the school, saying good morning to anyone I could,  just to keep the tears from falling.

Like a baby I got in my car and called my mom, with tears falling, "Mom, does it get any easier."  Her reply, "No."

So here is sit at work, hoping and praying he has the best day ever!  I cannot wait to hear all about it this afternoon.


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