
Bunny Takes Flight [VIDEO]
Bunny Takes Flight [VIDEO]
Bunny Takes Flight [VIDEO]
This family found a bunny and had been feeding it for a week then decided they needed to let it go back onto the wild of their front yard.  However, it didn't quite happen that way.
Reasons Why You Should Have Eaten Dark Chocolate on Easter
Reasons Why You Should Have Eaten Dark Chocolate on Easter
Reasons Why You Should Have Eaten Dark Chocolate on Easter
Yesterday was Easter, and I'm sure this morning you and your kids probably woke up with a Chocolate hangover.  You know once you start on the chocolate bunnies you just can't stop until they are gone.  However, you probably should have gone with the dark chocolate bunnies and here's why.
Occasionally on the weekend I'll flip through the channels and watch a show I normally don't watch.  This weekend it was Hoarders.