
Earthquake Near Amarillo
Earthquake Near Amarillo
Earthquake Near Amarillo
As you were watching the Super Bowl last night, you might have missed the tremor that rocked north Amarillo.   According to the National Weather Weather Service the epicenter of the earthquake was 9 miles northeast of Amarillo and measured 3.1 on the Richter scale.
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes New England
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes New England
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes New England
A 4.0 magnitude earthquake centered near Hollis Center, Maine (which is located 20 miles west of Portland) was felt across New England at 7:12 p.m on Tuesday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Oklahoma Cleans Up After Weekend Earthquakes [VIDEO]
Oklahoma Cleans Up After Weekend Earthquakes [VIDEO]
Oklahoma Cleans Up After Weekend Earthquakes [VIDEO]
A series of earthquakes and aftershocks — some felt as far away as Wisconsin — shook Oklahoma this weekend, startling people more accustomed to tornadoes than temblors. Early Saturday, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake affected areas from Texas to Missouri, followed by a 5.6 quake later that night — Oklahoma’s strongest in history — and more than 10 aftershocks.
Rare East Coast Earthquake Damages National Cathedral, Washington Monument [VIDEO]
Rare East Coast Earthquake Damages National Cathedral, Washington Monument [VIDEO]
Rare East Coast Earthquake Damages National Cathedral, Washington Monument [VIDEO]
The 5.8-magnitude earthquake that unnerved millions of people on the East Coast of the United States on Tuesday forced schools in three states to close and damaged several buildings and federal landmarks. At least four aftershocks followed the powerful quake, including a 3.4-magnitude tremblor that hit near the nation’s capital overnight.