high school

Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
While the United States takes measures such as abstinence initiatives, sexual education and sometimes criticizing Bristol Palin as a scare tactic to prevent teenage pregnancy, some schools in the UK are taking a much more direct route. A report from the British National Health Service announced that many girls were given long-term contraceptives at school.
Online Courses for Elementary and High School Students?
Online Courses for Elementary and High School Students?
Online Courses for Elementary and High School Students?
In an effort to accommodate students with varying levels of advancement and in reaction to state budgetary cuts, at least 30 states in the US now let elementary and high school students take all their courses online. According to Evergreen Education Group, a consulting firm that works with online schools, an estimated 250,000 students nationwide are enrolled in full-time virtual schools, a 40 perc