
Big Miracle: The Movie About the Grey Whale Rescue in 1988
Big Miracle: The Movie About the Grey Whale Rescue in 1988
Big Miracle: The Movie About the Grey Whale Rescue in 1988
Last night I got sucked into a movie.  You know how that happens, you sit down, flip on the TV, and you just sit there and watch and the next thing you know you are invested in the movie.  Well that happened to me with the movie "Big Miracle".  It was based on a true story about 3 grey whales being trapped in the ice in Barrow, Alaska in 1988.  The thing that kept running through my mind
Divers Suddenly Surrounded by Whales
Divers Suddenly Surrounded by Whales
Divers Suddenly Surrounded by Whales
The ocean's a big place, but sometimes it can seem really crowded. These divers probably expected to see a few exotic fish — instead they stumbled across a pod of humpback whales, plus a few sharks.