We have already hit one hundred a couple of times this summer. We set a record for the earliest recording of those oven-like temperatures. Early May could be considered way too early to hit 100 but here we are.

So this just means we have to find ways to cool off this summer. Luckily we have several options around the area to keep our cool. I mean we have several pools. Which is nice.

I grew up going to Southwest Pool in the late eighties and early nineties. It, of course, is still around. What is new is all of the splash pads. We have fourteen of them in our city. They are free of charge to enjoy.

Man do we have it great these days. As we check our summer plans and of course check the forecast this is the time to strategically plan your cooling-off opportunities.

Splash Pad Information

Besides being free which is great to know. They are also opened through Labor Day. Of course, weather permitting so do check the forecast. The splash pads will be operating between the hours of 11 am and 8 pm.

The swimming pools will have varying costs and hours. So definitely give them a call or visit their website just in case.

Cool Off This Summer at Amarillo Pools and Splash Pads

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