Disabled Veteran License Plate Rules Changes Are Here In Texas
If you currently have a disabled veteran license plate here in Texas, you're about to see some changes...and you may not like them.
Some organizations had been reaching out to Texas legislators after numerous complaints about a lack of handicapped parking spots here in the state. It's not because there isn't enough to go around, it's because Texas has been notoriously generous with the rules regarding disabled veteran plates. In short, if your plate had the "DV" on them, you could park in the handicapped spots anywhere you went. Well that's all changing.

A new bill has been passed that is going to make it a lot tougher to obtain the proper plates in order to utilize those handicapped parking spaces here. The first thing you need to know is that you'll be required to show a lot more paperwork in order to get the plates you need for handicapped parking. In the past, you weren't really required to show a lot of paperwork in regards to your disability, making it easier to obtain these particular plates.
For example, I have a good friend who is a veteran. Yes, he did come back from overseas with some injuries and they did affect him. However, they weren't injuries that precluded him from walking around without issue and living a normal life. He was granted those disable veteran plates and was able to park wherever he wanted to. I don't fault him (or anyone) for it because he was able to obtain them. However, it did eat up a handicapped parking space and every parking lot only has a limited number of them available.
One of the biggest changes however will be that in order to utilize handicapped parking spaces, you will need to have the International Symbol of Access on either the license plate or have a placard with it hanging from your window. Without it, you're liable to be ticketed or even towed. The symbols look like this:
One of those symbols has been around for decades. You can see however, there is a new one and you can learn about it here.
Those of you with those DV plates will have to figure out if you qualify for the new plates or placard. If you have any questions on what qualifies or how you go about getting the new plates or placard, you can reach out to or visit the DMV. They will be able to explain to you exactly what is needed in order to obtain one. You can apply for new plates or a placard HERE.
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1009 S Girl Scout Rd, Amarillo, TX
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