Ford Mutilates Mustang’s Classic, Iconic Design For 2015 Model
There are few things in life that are treated with as much reverence and respect as the Ford Mustang. Sure there may have been some noticeable changes in the later models from its earlier concepts and classic originals, but even the most modern edition has been able to maintain some semblance of its unique and iconic look…until now.
Ford has done the unthinkable — they’ve announced sweeping new changes that will make the 2015 Ford Mustang look less like the classic boxy sports car that gave the genre the respect it deserves into something that looks like it was designed by someone who tried to envision what a Mustang would look like in a futuristic sci-fi movie based on a story written by Philip K. Dick.
They’ve basically turned the Mustang, a car so cool that Steve McQueen’s very soul lives and breathes in every model that Ford produces, into something out of a gearhead’s nightmare involving European sportscars, acid rain and Satan himself. Ford claims they are trying to reach out more to “Generation Y” (as in “Generation Why The Hell Are They Doing This?”) buyers with its Mustang sales by making it look more sleek and less like something that their parents would consider cool.
Alexander Edwards, an automobile analyst with Strategic Vision, explained the reason for this once unthinkable decision.
“The main goal that all automobile companies need to be successful at is, let’s prepare vehicles that the next generation will want to be in, but have all the other features that will still appeal to the older generation as well.”
Speaking as someone who is literally sitting on the cusp of the highwater mark where Generation X ends and Generation Y begins, there was nothing wrong with the old Mustang’s look. This feels totally unnecessary, especially since the newer designs may have been made a little sleeker but still retained enough of the old Mustang to make it familiar and give it a face that gearheads couldn’t forget.
This new model looks nothing like the Mustang we’ve all grown to know and, presumably love. Instead, it just looks like what some non-car lover thinks what a cool car should look like in his or her head. It’s got no personality, no soul and no style. It is everything the old Mustangs weren’t and the truly sad part is that was probably Ford’s biggest goal for the 2015 model.
Mustang fans across the world would rather see the brand die than someone driving this unholy mutation with a “Mustang” logo slapped on its trunk.
[Via The Truth About Cars]