Here Are 10 Things That Will Make You Proud to Be from Texas
"Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America. Rich, poor, Panhandle, Gulf, city, country, Texas is the obsession, the proper study, and the passionate possession of all Texans.” [John Steinbeck]
The state of mind that exists in Texas can be labeled several different things -- proud, cocky, arrogant, passionate, protective or maybe even a little bit of crazy (never hurt anybody, right?).
But however you want to stereotype Texas, one things's for sure: we love where we come from, we love what we have and we're proud to shout that pride from the rooftops (or the field, whichever).
Taking in mind some of the things Texans are most proud of, we decided to put together a little list of 10 things that pretty much every Texan can identify with. And be passionate about.
1. The Scenery
Whether it's the Piney Woods of East Texas, the beauty of the Central Texas Hill Country, the coast in Port Aransas or the sunsets in West Texas, we've got it all.
2. Barbecue
The owner of the world's most popular barbecue restaurant (Aaron Franklin of Franklin Barbecue in Austin) won Best Chef of the southwest at this year's James Beard Awards. We throw festivals around BBQ (like Red Dirt BBQ & Music Festival), and Texans will put their 'cue up against any other joint or fancy-pants restaurant, anywhere.
3. Matthew McConaughey
From his role as David Wooderson in Dazed and Confused to winning the Oscar for Best Actor in Dallas Buyer's Club, the Longview native has become one of the most desired and most successful actors in Hollywood. But we keep the role of Wooderson especially close here in Texas.
4. The Music
When you can put together a talent list that includes George Strait, Willie Nelson, Beyonce, Usher, ZZ Top and Buddy Holly, you know your state is automatically better than all the others.
5. Breakfast Tacos
Breakfast tacos are more than just Tex-Mex (which, of course, we're also extremely proud of). They're a way of life. You'll find them at a sit-down restaurant, a food truck on the corner or hell, even at the neighborhood gas station.
6. King of the Hill
Whether you were an adult or a child when you started watching King of the Hill, you learned a lot of life lessons. All of us keep Arlen, Texas close to our hearts.
7. Texas Women
They're the most beautiful in the world. They're full of class, but they also know how to kick your but if you push them.
8. Chuck Norris
Any questions? Didn't think so.
9. Whataburger
Show me another fast food place that puts out food this good AND its doors are never locked.
10. The Dallas Cowboys
24-3. 27-10. 52-17. 30-13. 27-17. Don't know what those numbers mean? Then you're not a Cowboys fan.
We know we left out quite a few things (these lists can go on forever when it comes to Texas, right?), but what would you add? Let us know in the comments below.