Here Are 3 Reasons Why The Flea Market Is My New Hangout
I recently found myself trying to come up with something to do on a weekend with the kids. The weather was crap; it was cold and windy. I needed something to do, indoors, that wouldn't necessarily break the bank. I am, after all, a writer/personality on a budget.
Thank you to the person who recommended the flea market. It's a magical place. No, really. If you haven't been, you should go. Here's why.
You And The Kids Are Going To Get A Lot Of Exercise...
...and you'll get a lot of work in on honing your reflexes. You can't be sluggish and dodge all of the people perusing the various stands that haunt the guts of T Anchor Flea Market. One lazy moment and you're likely to catch a toddler's forehead in your kneecap. Be aware.
Also, it's massive. I was shocked, honestly, at how much...stuff...they're able to cram in there. You're welcome to laugh when I tell you that I got lost somewhere in what I imagine to be the "middle" of the building.
We walked a lot. Walking means burning energy, and burning energy means we all had a decent bed time that night.
There's Honestly Something For Everyone
The variety was another aspect of the flea market that caught me off guard. I guess I never thought about the possibility of there being so much. I issued a challenge to the kids. Instead of toys, get something to eat that you've never had before.
My toddler wound up carrying a bag of chicharrones that was about half his size. He ate half the bag before we made it home.
Everyone else got candy. Surprise, surprise.
It's Indoors So Mother Nature Is Free To Throw Her Tantrums
Best part. Hands down. It's indoors. Yeah, there may not be much that I was interested in purchasing, but for the love of all that is's indoors. No wind. No cold. In fact, the heaters they have in there are intense. Careful standing directly underneath them. You'll break a sweat.
I don't have many complaints outside of the congestion in some areas of the flea market. There's also way too many of those toy guns that make tons of noise and light up. Makes it hard to get through there with a toddler without getting one, which I suppose is the point.
I can't believe it took me almost ten years to finally go see what it's all about. People talk about it all the time. It's worth a trip out there, even if you aren't looking to make a purchase. It's fun to walk around aimlessly and see all the random odds and ends.