How A Local Restaurant Reminds Us What It Means To Be Texan
Recently I wrote about a group that is doing courses on being a true Texan. Their definition, to me, seems a bit narrow. I think I may have found an example that allows more of us to fit the definition of "Texan."
That example came from a local restaurant, and it really shouldn't be a surprise.
Green Chile Willy's Owns The Internet...Again
Green Chile Willy's has really hit their stride when it comes to social media. The sometimes tongue-in-cheek posts they make looking for, most notoriously, a dishwasher have made many of us giggle-snort on more than one occasion.
However, that's not all they do.
A recent post online started out praising Green Chile Willy's for the excellent food and service. The person who posted the glowing review pointed out they grabbed a bite there because they had a flat tire, and decided to eat first.
The the tire became a bit of bigger problem than anticipated.
This Is What I Think Most Of Us Think Of When We Say "Texan"
Unfortunately for the person with the flat, their spare was also flat. One of the servers from the restaurant gave them a ride to the nearest gas station to air it up.
That's awfully nice of them.
Unfortunately, the pump didn't work. Not to be beaten by a faulty air pump, the server took this individual to their house where they had an air compressor.
Then, they stuck around to make sure they got safely back on the road.
That, friends and neighbors, is what I think more of us think of when we say "Texan."
Be Kind To Your Neighbors
That's the Texas way. At least, I think that's how most of us feel about it. It's the classic story of taking a minute to help out someone in need.
I can say from personal experience that this is what a trip to Green Chile Willy's is like. My family has never had a bad experience there. It's why we tend to go quite often.
Everyone is usually really friendly, and takes the time to make you feel right at home.
Kudos to everyone at Green Chile Willy's on a job well always.