How to Stay Positive Over the Holidays
I don't know about you, but when I get stressed out, I'm not the nicest person. In fact I turn into the worst "Negative Nancy." The holidays can be completely overwhelming and crazy. Then you add your crazy relatives in the bunch and you have taken a trip into a place I like to call "Blackhole Sucksville". So how does one stay positive during the holidays?
Focus on the Positive
Instead of looking at all the negative, lack of money, so much work, having to deal with unruly people, focus on what is going right in your life.
Spend Time With the Less Fortunate
Take time to volunteer at different shelters or at a place that deals with those less fortunate. It will help you put things into perspective and help you realize that your life is pretty great.
Don't deprive yourself of sleep. The holidays are full of hustle and bustle and if you are cutting into your sleeping schedule you aren't helping with the Holiday blues. Being tired can trigger those negative feelings.
No One is Perfect
Stop striving for perfection. No one is perfect. There will never be the perfect Thanksgiving or even Christmas so stop trying to make it happen. Realize that not everything will be perfect.
Set Boundaries
You can be everywhere! So don't over schedule yourself or your family. You still need to have time to yourself. You have to have those moments to decompress. If you don't you will eventually explode into negativity.
These are just a few tips to help stay positive during the holiday season. How do you keep positive during the holidays. What tips could you offer?