American Idol, debuted on TV in 2002 and crowning Kelly Clarkson the very first American Idol. Since then several shows have tried to gain the success of AI. However, when you take the premise of American Idol and don't let the judges actually see the contestant is that a totally different show than American Idol? Is the world ready for another singing competition? Coming to NBC on April 26th a new show called The Voice.

The show stars, Carson Daly as the host (a.k.a Ryan Seacrest wannabe), Country Star Blake Shelton, Maroon 5's Adam Levine, Christina Aguillera (hopefully NBC knows what they got themselves into), and Cee Lo Green.

So what do you think? An American Idol copycat with a few changes or an actual legitimate singing competition that will be a change from the same 'ol, same 'ol that we have gotten with American Idol?

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