Wife Rejects Husband’s ‘Worst Name Ever’ for Baby Girl, Is Worried About Potential Bullying
A woman on Reddit is worried that her baby will face bullying someday if her husband is allowed to choose the little girl's name. She's dubbed the name he's picked out the "worst name ever."
"My husband and I are expecting our first child, a bouncing baby girl due in a few months. We were both over the moon when we found out the gender, but now things have gotten complicated, to say the least," she wrote.
When they started discussing names, they instantly agreed on "Stuart Jr." for a boy, to be named after her husband.
"No problem there, it’s a classic name and carries family meaning. But, for a girl, things got murky. My husband suggested Stuarta. No, you’re not having a stroke. Apparently, his logic is that since Stuart ends in 't,' we can just add an 'a' to make it feminine," she explained.
The woman tried to explain to her husband how Stuarta "sounds more like a furniture brand than a human name, how she’d be endlessly correcting people and explaining its origin."
Her husband, however, is adamant about naming the baby something that "honors" him while simultaneously giving her a "unique name."
"I’ve suggested alternatives: feminine names that maybe share a similar sound or meaning to Stuart, names he’s mentioned liking in the past, even just going back to the drawing board entirely. But he’s fixated on Stuarta," she continued.
The woman noted she understands her husband wanting to honor his family, but she just can't imagine "subjecting our daughter to a lifetime of awkward stares and endless questions about her 'unusual' name."
"I also worry about potential bullying and the impact it could have on her self-esteem," she concluded.
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Users sounded off in the comments, with many agreeing with the expectant mother's concerns.
"Naming a child is a two yes and one no situation. Means you need two times yes for a name to be it and one no to make sure that name is not the name you choose. Works both ways if you’d ask me," one person wrote.
"Here's the thing though. WTF should any child HAVE to be named after him in some way? I get the traditional thing but this is just weird behavior. The name should be about the child, not him alone. It's not only selfish, but arrogant to insist children must be named after him. I'd be willing to bet that he will also still insist on Stuart for a boy. This poor little girl is saddled with any form of Stuart as a name," another commented.
"My husband is a Junior — and I have judged his father’s character every day of his life because of it," someone else chimed in.