It’s a new year, which means it’s time to get hyped for the latest batch of Marvel superhero movies hitting the multiplex in the next few months. In 2017 we’re getting the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, which will introduce us to, among others, Kurt Russell’s Ego the Living Planet, aka Star-Lord’s long-lost dad. You might know him best as a really really big glowing head in the comics, but in the movie he’ll also have a human form. Probably a little easier on the budget.

Thanks to Funko and MCU Exchange, here are two very cute versions of what we can expect to see of Russell in Guardians Vol. 2:

We already got a look at Russell’s fantastic costume back in May, courtesy of Marvel’s vice president Ryan Penagos:

But now we see him with hair!

Next, yet another Guardian is set to appear in Avengers: Infinity War. Well, she’s not exactly a Guardian, but she knows them — Karen Gillan recently confirmed that Nebula, Gamora’s blue adoptive sister, will make an appearance in the movie. She was last seen working on Thanos’ behalf in the first Guardians movie, so it’s likely that she’ll have a similar role in Infinity War. She spoke to BBC about Guardians Vol. 2 and Jumanji, and said:

So look out for those. And then I’ll be making a little appearance in the next Avengers movies.


We don’t know exactly what she’ll be doing, but it’ll be cool to see her again. Hopefully she gets a little more screen time and has other stuff to do besides looking dour and fighting Gamora, but the cast for Infinity War is already so massive we might only get a couple Nebula scenes. Still, good news for the Gillan fans out there.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theaters May 5, and Avengers: Infinity War opens a year later on May 4, 2018.

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