Khloe Kardashian Being Considered for ‘X Factor’ Hosting Job
While Simon Cowell quickly replaced Nicole Scherzinger and Paula Abdul with decidedly bigger star power in the form of Britney Spears and Demi Lovato, the ‘X Factor‘ hosting gig, vacated by Steve Jones, remains open. Word is that Cowell has six possible contenders for the job and one of the finalists is reality show star Khloe Kardashian.
TMZ reports that Khloe, the wife of NBA hoops star Lamar Odom, is hot for the gig. Despite her fame that came as a result of A) being on several E! reality shows and B) being Kim’s little sister, Khloe is not going to get the gig without a screen test. Production sources are doing screen tests over the next two weeks and they’ve said the gig will not go to the highest bidder. Serious contenders must be able to nail an audition. So Khloe won’t get it by virtue of being a Kardashian.
We’re not sure that a screen test would be problematic for Khloe, since she is used to the camera in her face, thanks the many reality shows that she and her sisters and she and her husband have been on.
What do you think, PopCrushers? Would Khloe Kardashian, who doesn’t seem to have much experience in the world of music, make a good ‘X Factor’ host? Jones was notorious for interrupting the judges and prodding them along when they hemmed and hawed about rendering their decisions up against live TV deadlines. Something tells us Khloe, the “tough” member of the Dash klan, would be similar in her approach.
Watch the ‘X Factor’ Season 2 Promo