‘The Last Jedi’ and ‘Rise of Skywalker’ Being ‘Mediocre’ Sequels Is Now a Matter of Settled Law
For Star Wars fans who were disappointed by the two latest installments in the sequel, the law might actually be on your side. In a ruling responding to a recent class action lawsuit against ConAgra Foods, Inc., Ninth Circuit Court Judge Kenneth K. Lee referred to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and The Last Jedi as “mediocre and schlocky.”
The case had to do with whether or not ConAgra Foods Inc. was responsible for placing a “100% Natural” label on bottles of Wesson Oil. However, ConAgra Foods no longer owns Wesson Oil, so they no longer have the power to make that kind of call. “Simply put, Richardson — the new owner of Wesson Oil — can resume using the ‘100% Natural’ label at any time it wishes, thereby depriving the class of any value theoretically afforded by the injunction. ConAgra thus essentially agreed not to do something over which it lacks the power to do,” Lee wrote.
Then, in a surprising twist, Lee likened the situation to Disney's acquisition of the Star Wars franchise. He said: “That is like George Lucas promising no more mediocre and schlocky Star Wars sequels shortly after selling the franchise to Disney. Such a promise would be illusory.” And in case you didn’t know which movies he was referring to, he added a footnote that reads, “As evident by Disney’s production of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.”
Read the entire excerpt from Page 26 below, which puts Lee’s Star Wars reference into context:
So, the next time you find yourself in an argument about the quality of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, you can pull up this court ruling to back your stance up. It is the law, after all.
Gallery — Every Star Wars Movie Ranked From Worst to Best:
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