My Son Had a Huge Moment in His Life and it All Involved a Ghostbuster Costume
As a mom, it is great to see your children flourish, especially when you see your child struggle. My son Ethan is a great kid. I have shared with you in the past that he has Aspergers, a high function form of autism. He struggles with social situations. Well he had such a huge moment and I thought I would share that with you.
Ethan has trouble being in social situations and has trouble making friends. He also struggles being in large crowds and being in loud places and sometimes this makes life a little bit tough.
This week Ethan is at camp having a blast. At this particular camp they have group time and that has probably over 1000 people or more in an auditorium. They have a band and have worship time where it is loud. This is something he deals with, and if it gets to tough he is able to take a break and walk outside. However, he has been handling it like a champ this week.
So my proud Momma moment. Here's the back story.
On Sunday, we get a message from his Camp leaders: "hey parents don't forget to pack your 80s wear and costumes for Wednesday night at camp."
Well my reaction is: "I don't have any 80s clothes or the time and money to go buy something what am I going to do?"
Then it hit me, Ethan was a Ghostbuster for Halloween and we had his Ghostbusters overalls. I was like, "That's 80s, that'll have to work."
And boy did it work.
Last night my Facebook feed started blowing up! I started getting tagged on pictures of my son on the main stage at camp. Yes! My son on a stage in front of a huge crowd and the kids was smiling and calm!! (Insert Momma Happy Dance Here) I could not believe it.
Here's the best part. He won!!! It was a crowd chosen contest and my kid won!!!
My kid who hates crowds. My kid who has low self-esteem had the biggest confidence booster last night. My kid came out of his shell and his comfort zone and it was amazing.
Now I haven't heard the story first hand yet. I'm still waiting on a phone call, but I can just see it in the pictures and the video.
Here they are for you to see.
Thanks for letting me share my proud Momma moment with you. In case you don't know our story, here it is again: