Breaking Bad successfully turned Mr. Chips into Scarface, but did you know that AMC wanted Matthew Broderick or John Cusack for the role of Walter White? Or that Jesse was supposed to die in Season 1? These are just some of the crystal blue persuasions from the thirteenth episode of ‘You Think You Know TV?,’ which cooks up a new batch for AMC’s Breaking Bad!
Now more than ever we've seen TV looking to classic films of the '80s and '90s for the next great small screen series idea, whether by reboot or sequel, but a proposed 'Say Anything' TV sequel may have trouble getting its boombox up in the air. NBC has begun development of a potential followup to the classic 1989 Cameron Crowe film, though Crowe is outspokenly none-too-pleased about it.
John Cusack got majorly creeped out by a stalker on Tuesday (Sept. 3) when she tried getting into his house. The least she could have done was stand outside blasting 'In Your Eyes,' but she didn't even do that.
Though the film was not the runaway hit hoped for when released in 2010, 'Hot Tub Time Machine' has proved popular enough on home video that MGM is exploring making a sequel to the time-travel comedy. And right now they're talking to everyone but star John Cusack.
Here is a sneak peak of the new movie The Raven. It will hit theaters in March. John Cusack plays Edgar Allan Poe. I love John Cusack but I'm not sure if I believe he could be Edgar Allan Poe. Keep reading to see the new trailer.