The Russian block-matching puzzle game Tetris took the world by storm in the late 1980s when it was released on Nintendo's NES and Gameboy platforms. And we think we've found one of the best players around.
If you’re an old school gamer who’s more than a little flustered with today’s controllers or you just like to feel really small, this Nintendo NES controller coffee table belongs in your living room.
I don't know if you have heard about this, but my jaw literally dropped on the floor.
PETA recently released a press release stating that it is going after, of all things, Super Mario.
I learned something new today. I learned that Robin Williams name his daughter after The Legend of Zelda video game. I know Robin is a comedian and all, but really, naming your daughter after a video game? I guess he thought she was a princess when she was born (plus he apparently had spent a lot of time on the road playing Nintendo), and Zelda is the princess in The Legend of Zelda...
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