warner bros

‘League Up’ With This Brand New ‘Justice League’ Banner
‘League Up’ With This Brand New ‘Justice League’ Banner
‘League Up’ With This Brand New ‘Justice League’ Banner
Over the weekend, DC Comics (via Heroic Hollywood) released another version of the same character designs, this time ramping up the Alex Ross influence by having our favorite superheroes standing in profile together. It also aligns pretty well with that Comic-Con trailer, emphasizing both the Flash and Wonder Woman and downplaying (a little) Batman. All part of your lighter, brighter, and funnier Justice League, right?
Warner Bros. Is Making Another ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ Reboot
Warner Bros. Is Making Another ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ Reboot
Warner Bros. Is Making Another ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ Reboot
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is an undeniable sci-fi classic, the O.G. one-of-us-in-this-room-isn’t-human narrative, which is probably why it’s been remade so many, many times. The original 1954 novel The Body Snatchers by Jack Finney inspired the 1956 Don Siegel film, which was then remade in 1978, in 1993, and agin in 2007 with Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman (The Invasion). So it should come as no surprise that Warner Bros. is making plans to reboot the story for the modern era.
A Bunch of Warner Bros. Movies Are Coming to Amazon Prime
A Bunch of Warner Bros. Movies Are Coming to Amazon Prime
A Bunch of Warner Bros. Movies Are Coming to Amazon Prime
mp of online streaming for years now, but the competition is nipping at their heels like never before. Anyone who uses the service can tell you their film selection has shrunk in recent years, while other sites like Hulu and Amazon have beefed up their movie offerings. Variety writes about a new deal between Amazon Prime and Warner Bros. to boost the online retailer’s video site with a bunch of new exclusive WB titles.