weight loss

Miss South Carolina Dropped 110 Pounds Before Winning Pageant [VIDEO]
Miss South Carolina Dropped 110 Pounds Before Winning Pageant [VIDEO]
Miss South Carolina Dropped 110 Pounds Before Winning Pageant [VIDEO]
Nobody would have ever guessed that a 16-year old Bree Boyce would one day become Miss South Carolina. That’s because the 22-year old brunette from Florence, South Carolina, weighed 230 pounds during her teenage years. She was able to drop 110 pounds not by dieting, but instead embracing a lifestyle of moderate eating.
Diet Soda May Make You Pack on the Pounds
Diet Soda May Make You Pack on the Pounds
Diet Soda May Make You Pack on the Pounds
By analyzing the results of a 10-year longitudinal study of 474 people, researchers  were able to determine that the participants who drank two or more diet sodas a day experienced a waist size increase 70 percent greater than those who stayed away from diet soda. Dr. Martin P. Paulus, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, and an author of the study, offered this the
Friends Who Can Derail Your Diet
Friends Who Can Derail Your Diet
Friends Who Can Derail Your Diet
It is tough to diet, but it is even harder when you are the only one dieting in your friend circle.   They are your friends and you love them, but did you know that they could be derailing your diet?  Here's a list of the typical diet derailers.
That, Can Help Me Lose Weight?
That, Can Help Me Lose Weight?
That, Can Help Me Lose Weight?
Are you always looking for diet tips?  Ways to burn off that extra pound or a way to kick a sugar craving?  Dr. Oz had a few tips on a recent show that can help you lose weight that you might not have known about.