The Price Of Gas Is Insane. Would You Consider Taking The Bus?
No matter the politics or reasons behind it, which everyone has an opinion on, the price of gas is really starting to punch the wallet. Which is what lead the City of Amarillo to share this post yesterday with their solution to the higher gas prices.
If You're Bummed Over The Price Of Gas, Take The Bus
At least that's what this post on social media is suggesting. You have to admit, the word "free" is a lot more appealing than the numbers we're seeing at the pump.
Is This Something You'd Readily Consider As Gas Prices Go Up?
The biggest pro of the City Transit is the phrase "no-charge." Compared to the price of gas, free is tempting. Even if it is on City Transit.
Personally, I don't have anything against City Transit. From what I've been able to piece together, the buses are nice enough and it looks like there's plenty of space. I've never hopped a ride with them though, so I'm really no expert on the accommodations you'd be traveling in when you ride with the City.
There are plenty of complaints. A lot of it has to do with buses being on time. Of course there is a ready answer for these concerns, and that's the app you can use to track the buses.
The app is called One Ride, and it gives you approximate locations of the buses so you can either go jump in line, or keep doing what you're doing. If it works well, this would alleviate some of the waiting around that people claim they do.
Either Way, Free Is Free
The price of gas is a hot topic right now, as it seems like the price is going up and slowing down one bit. If you have the option, and want to save big time at the pump, this might worth looking into.