WTAMU Professor Pleads Guilty, Is Still Listed As Faculty Member
It's been a while since we heard much about the professor at WTAMU who got pegged by the Feds for importing exotic animal related items, but he's back in the news. The professor has entered a guilty plea.
And as of now, it looks like he still has his job as an associate professor at WTAMU.
What Exactly Did He Plead Guilty To?
Richard Kazmaier, Associate Professor of Biology, plead guilty to charges regarding his importing animal related items. He allegedly purchased the items, and then didn't declare them to customs or get the necessary permits for them.
Supposedly, none of the items in question included live animals. Instead they were things like taxidermy mounts, skulls, feathers, and so on.
Kazmaier Still Listed On WTAMU Faculty Page
Interestingly enough, Kazmaier remains listed among faculty at WTAMU. A fact that some take issue with.
On Reddit, one user brought up the recent firing of a football coach. They think Kazmaier should lose his job over this since, in their view, the actions by the coach that led to their termination were less egregious.
Another user states that Kazmaier is certified to teach "nearly every wildlife biology course" that WT offers. Hence, firing a qualified professor like Kazmaier would have a bigger impact.
There's an old saying when it comes to a situation like this. Something along the lines of making yourself indispensable. Being that highly certified would definitely do the trick.
While the university is certain within reason to keep Kazmaier on staff, it does call into question the issue of fairness. But the answers to such will invariably be subject to much debate.
At the end of the day, the matter has been settled by the Federal courts, as Kazmaier will be required to comply with probationary terms for a set period of time. And once he completes his sentence, he will have satisfied his obligations to the United States justice system.
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