Zac Efron has been in the news this year for a stint in rehab and a broken jaw. We're happy to report that the actor, who has two big films on the horizon with 'That Awkward Moment' and 'Neighbors,' is back on track and celebrating six months of sobriety with an outward sign.

Efron, 26, was seen sporting a blue Alcoholics Anonymous sobriety medallion around his neck, which is a symbol of his time off the sauce. The chip is given to members to mark how long they've been sober.

Efron was snapped in public at a Lakers game, so he is clearly not trying to hide how proud he is of this achievement. He could have worn it tucked under his shirt, but he instead chose to show it proudly -- and we applaud him for that! He has fought hard to get sober and should celebrate.

The actor, who reportedly sought treatment for a cocaine addiction, has not sat down to discuss his addiction issues with a magazine or media outlet… yet. When he's ready, he'll talk.

We're just happy he is six months sober. Oh, and he's as hot as ever. (So is his famous ex Vanessa Hudgens. See her sexy Flare spread.)

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