Amarillo School Uses Humor To Kick Off The School Year
It’s that time of year whether you are ready or not. Back to School. Kids get your backpacks ready and your clothes picked out, if you haven't already.
It’s been a nice run kiddos but it is here. Amarillo Schools start today. Maybe I am wrong but it seems like this is the first time in forever Canyon Schools start AFTER Amarillo. Canyon students start back on Wednesday.
I’ve seen parents that are ready for school to start again. Time to get back to a schedule. I had a friend who posted this on Facebook.
Dear Teachers,
You are not paid NEARLY enough.
A mom at the end of summer
The teachers are ready too. The schools have had their “Meet the Teachers” so they are ready. Their classrooms are decorated. Lessons plans are just waiting for the student's to arrive.
Some schools try to make it a bit easier for everyone to get back to the swing of things. Some like to use humor to reel us in.
How about this marquee outside South Georgia Elementary. So far I think they won “Back to School” 2019 with this.....
So as you are dropping those kiddos off to school this week and you happen to see any other amusing signs around town.....let me know!