Here Are Your Choices for Top Places to Get Yelled at in Amarillo
We asked, and you answered. We wanted to know what places in Amarillo are you most likely to get yelled at. Here is what you told us.
Walmart Customer Service
I mentioned the parking lot at any Walmart, and failed to even consider what might be happening inside. One of our responses from Laura in Amarillo reminded us that working the customer service desk at Wally World is no walk in the park.
Speaking of Walmart...
Any Retail Job
One of my favorite responses was from Traci in Pampa. Traci says, "Just work retail. They will come to you." I've worked retail, and when I read that I almost fell over laughing.

It's true. I've been screamed at, cussed at, had t-shirts thrown at me all while working retail.
Chick-fil-A Drive-Thru Lines
Erica brought up a really good point. Her pick was drive-thru lines at any Chick-fil-A that backs out into the street. I personally am guilty of having a choice word or two for someone who gets in line, blocking off a whole lane of traffic, just for some of the Lord's chicken.
Tascosa High School Around 7:50AM
This one is so oddly specific, I have to believe that the experience was still fresh for Melinda. She raises a good point though. Really any school drop off is going to be heated, especially right now at the start of the school year. You have the old pros, the newbies, the early birds, and the late-runners all trying to get through the line as quick as possible.
At Your Call Center Job
That picture is a lie. No one that I know who works at a call center has ever been that happy about it.
This is another one I've had personal experience with, and Kayla is on point with this one. Even when you have really good news, people just seem prone to take out their frustrations on whoever is on the other end of the line.
That also doesn't account for the corporate overlords hovering behind you wondering why you aren't taking as many phone calls as the person across from you, or why your sales numbers are only where they should be instead of higher.
Good call (no pun intended) Kayla.
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