Here’s An Unbelievable, Sad Look Inside Dead Malls Of Texas
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For a lot of us, malls hold a special place in our heart. For a long time, they were more than just places to shop. There was all kinds of entertainment, it's where you'd meet up with friends, and countless first dates happened in a mall. Over the years, malls have started to struggle in a lot of cities.
Here's an unbelievable, sad look inside some of the dead malls of Texas.

Sunrise Mall Corpus Christi, Texas
This mall supposedly didn't have much of a chance from the start. Issues seemed to plague it from the beginning. Years of of those issues led to the inevitable closure of the mall, so the story goes. Fun fact, it was used in the film The Legend Of Billie Jean.
The interesting thing about this mall is that there is still someone acting as a caretaker. It's a woman who is trying her best to not let the place go to absolute ruin.
The images are eerie at times. A place that's supposed to be full of people, is almost completely empty with no sign of life.
Aside from all of the graffiti, of course.
Valley View Mall Dallas, Texas
It goes without saying that this mall's better days are behind it. However, looking at the footage from inside the mall, you get a feeling that this place was awfully nice in its day.
The main "courtyard" area has spaces for plants, a nice water feature, and a pretty nice looking elevator. Of course, that's all gone now and in absolute tatters thanks to vandals.
This video features some really good footage from inside the AMC theater. They even find remnants of what appears to be a fire that someone started inside one of the theaters.
Northwest Mall Houston, Texas
This mall doesn't look anywhere near as bad as the others do. In fact, there are large portions of the mall still pretty much intact. There isn't the over abundance of graffiti or vandalism either.
For me, the part that hit the hardest was the food court. It's odd to see a food court that resembles the one I remember seeing all the time growing up, completely devoid of life.
There are no lines of people waiting. No people shuffling through the crowd to find a seat. This one even has what appears to be a staging area for live entertainment.
You can check out the whole video below. Seriously, the food court is unbelievable. It looks like all of the windows are still intact, and the place isn't completely destroyed.
There are several more videos out there of dead malls in the state of Texas. I wonder, as time goes one, will we see more malls shuttering for good? Is the mall slowly becoming a relic of the past?
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