How To Avoid Texting Turn-Offs
Omlet asked 1,000 people to name their biggest texting turn-offs. See if you are guilty of any of these.
Biggest Texting Turn-Offs For Men
1: Funky or very informal spelling (58%)
2: Multiple exclamation points in chat messages!!!!! (47%)
3: Lack of punctuation and grammar (46%)
4: all lower case words (41%)
5: Excessive slang -- LOL, BRB, WTF (40%)
Biggest Texting Turn-Offs For Women
1: Funky or very informal spelling (73%)
2: Lack of punctuation and grammar (59%)
3: Excessive slang (54%)
4: Messages during sleeping hours (51%)
5: all lower case words (50%)
So what is appropriate when texting? According to Jennifer Golbeck, PHD of the website Psychology Today, here are four tips for texting:
- Be In The Moment. A benefit of texting is that you can reach out anytime, from anywhere. "Did you see a cute puppy on the street?" Take a picture and send it to your puppy-loving friend.
- Follow the same rules you'd follow in real conversation. Ask about their thoughts on subjects and listen.
- Emoji's. Texting is awkward at times. Use emoticons and emojis. Emoticons, like the :-) smiley face, can seem a little lame on one level, but they are popular because we can't see faces in text.
- Keep it light. It's hard to type out long detailed conversations on text. Subtlety can't get lost. A typo, delay, or ambiguous comment can lead to hurt feelings.
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