The Amarillo sports world was a bit shook when longtime Tascosa High School baseball coach Jason Patrick announced his retirement after 24 years at the helm. The leader of the Rebels hung up his spikes after a tough season and passed the torch.

Prior to this season beginning, a new face was introduced to the coaching staff. His name is Yancy Molloy. He was brought in as an assistant coach with the Rebels and he brought a wealth of knowledge with him despite being a young coach.

Molloy joined Tascosa after being the bench boss for the Clarendon Broncos and he led them to three consecutive playoff appearances, with the playoff appearance in 2022 resulting in a regional semifinal appearance.

He made the tough decision to move on from Clarendon after being approached by Patrick seeing an opportunity to be a part of a program with a rich history on the diamond. Little did he know his chance to take over the program would come so soon.

I had a chance to catch up with Coach Molloy to talk about the opportunity, and what he saw during this past season, and the future. Here was our conversation.

When you were hired as an assistant coach at Tascosa, was there a succession plan in place that you knew about, or was this a surprise to you?

"When I first took the job I knew I would have a shot at it down the road. Obviously not a guarantee at all but just knowing I would have a chance to get to be around this program with even the possibility of captaining it in the future was a huge draw. Then you throw in getting to learn under a veteran and working with two others!"

You’re inheriting a team that recently finished off a tough season finishing 4th in district. How do you turn things around?

"Obviously if you look at it from a win column perspective and a 4th place finish, it was a tough season. But if you truly look at the stats and box scores, we were leading or tied in over half of those losses. I think the main focus this year will be to reinforce the good and try to limit the snowball innings."

I recently read how the players really responded to your coaching style. Can you elaborate a bit on what your coaching style is?

"God put me in this role to raise men that win at life, not on the baseball field. My style reflects that. I want them to be respectable young men held to a higher standard and believe the winning will take care of itself!"

What were the biggest challenges you saw with the team last season and how do you approach fixing them?

"The snowball effect. When we made one mistake it turned into several. I think we did a lot of things right last year, just have to fix the fall apart inning and life will get much easier!"

Looks like you have an opening for an assistant coach. Any chance I can have it?

If you like long hours with little pay! It's all yours! Haha AISD is a great place to work and looking forward to finding that puzzle piece for Tascosa Baseball!

Josh Jung and the Frisco RoughRiders play in Amarillo at HODGETOWN

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