Governor Greg Abbott will be making his way to Amarillo in March.

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On Thursday, March 2nd, Governor Abbott will be speaking at an event at the San Jacinto Christian Academy.   The Parent Empowerment Coalition is hosting the Governor at the event and discussing parent empowerment, as well as highlighting San Jacinto Christian Academy.

Parent empowerment is built on the foundational principles of transparency, quality, respect, and choice, and we’re bringing together the community to focus on this vital need in our education system.

Governor Gregg Abbot has made education a priority for Texas this year.  According to Office of the Governor, "Governor Greg Abbott on February 16, 2023, announced education freedom for all Texans as an emergency item for the 88th Legislative Session during his State of the State address in San Marcos."

Without education freedom, parents are hindered in helping their child.

According to the emergency legislation item Governor Abbott will work with the Texas Legislature this session to:

  • Expand school choice options available through ESAs to all Texas students
  • Amend the Texas Constitution to bolster a parent’s right as the primary decisionmaker in all matters involving their child
  • Require schools to better inform parents of their rights
  • Expand parent access to curriculum, school libraries, and what their children are taught Reform the grievance process to ensure parent concerns are addressed quickly and respectfully
  • Allow parents to decide if their child should repeat a grade
  • Strengthen consent requirements for health services
  • Protect students from unnecessary personal data collection and ensure schools are not sharing or selling student data outside the Texas public education system

You have the opportunity to now hear Governor Abbot himself speak on the importance of education freedom and the parent's role and choice for their child.

Doors will open at 5 pm at San Jacinto Christian Academy, 501 S. Carolina, the event will be from 6 - 7 pm.

The event is free of charge but you can reserve a spot here.

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The Abandoned Herring Hotel in Amarillo, Texas

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Stay in the launch control center of this former missile silo. It has been converted into a nice apartment with a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. While you're there enjoy a private tour and learn all about the history of how this missile silo was used during the Cold War.


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