Leal’s is Moving! We Got the Scoop from Victor Leal!
Do you love Leal's? I sure know I do! So when I found out from Victor Leal himself that their location in Amarillo is moving. I had to get the details!
It's now official- Leal's of Amarillo will be relocating to the old Furr's building in The Shops in Wolflin on Georgia.
They plan an extensive remodel that will include a banquet room big enough for 100 guests; a beautiful bar featuring the best Mescal and Tequila and a patio-type room to hosts you year round.
They will showcase their 100 years of making tortillas in an area up front so you can watch and taste.Imagine watching them make the tortillas that will then be brought to your table.
I used to love watching that at the old Ruby Tequila's on Paramount. I am so glad Victor is bringing that back!
I can't wait to get my Texas Enchiladas or Hatch Green Chili Queso at their new location!
I will miss going to the soon to be old Leal's location and seeing my name etched in the cement. I did that back in 1997 when that location use to be Gardski's. You can see it as you are walking up the stairs. Victor assures me I can etch my name in their new location too.