Madonna sat down with interviewer Cynthia McFadden for a chat on ABC’s ‘Nightline.’ What makes this particular sit down so interesting? Well, fans were allowed to submit questions via Twitter and the one burning topic that surfaced repeatedly? What does Madge think of the current reigning queen of pop music Lady Gaga?

A teaser of the interview — which airs in full tomorrow, Jan. 12, at 11PM ET — has been released and thanks to creative editing, it tells us nothing and of course makes us want to tune in to find out. McFadden builds anticipation, asking “Where could we go? What could we see or learn?” Well, if we get to hear what Madge thinks of Gaga, a subject on which she has remained rather mum, that’s more than enough reason to tune in!

Sure, we want to know what songs she is considering for her Super Bowl halftime appearance and details about her upcoming directorial debut ‘W.E.,’ but we’re most interested in hearing her thoughts on Gaga. Madge has seen many pop starlets rise through the ranks and even made out with two of ‘em — Britney and Xtina — but she’s never broken her silence about her fellow blonde and Italian heir apparent.

The clip only shows Madonna averting her gaze when McFadden poses the Gaga question. She sips from her teacup, but there is no reply. Again, creative editing and a ploy to get us to tune in!

Find out what the Material Girl thinks of the Mother Monster at 11 PM on ABC on Thursday, Jan. 12. PopCrush will recap the interview and the events for you, as well.

Watch the Madonna ‘Nightline’ Teaser

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